About J.J.

I’m J.J. Probasco and I’m a…yes, I admit it…a Word Wrassler. Sometimes those pesky rascals win…sometimes I win. We’re pretty even. It brings balance to the universe.

I’ve been a grocery schlepper, farm worker, social worker, gas station attendant, electronics technician, truck driver, security specialist of many flavors, manager of things, and even leader of people from time to time. I was a college dropout and a draft dodger…well, actually, I dodged being drafted into the Army by enlisting in the Air Force. I retired as a Chief Master Sergeant after 30 years. I’m proud of my service and I’m proud of my country, even though I’m critical of it from time to time. I think everybody should be, from time to time.

Most people in the military are pretty sure a Chief’s main purpose is to sit around, drink coffee, and tell stories. So I’ve had good training for opining in blogs & suchlike, I guess. For years I’ve been a songwriter and all-around BS Spreader, and now I’m a novelist in search of fame and fortune. Well…I’ll settle for beer money if I have to. So far, I’ve self-published my first book and it’s getting good reviews even though I’m not quite within spittin’ distance of the NYT best-seller list. On the other hand, what do they know?? But if it makes some friends and family bust a few buttons, that’s pretty cool.

Hopefully I’ll manage to spew out some stories, posts, commentaries, and potentially some wisdom if I run across any, and somebody will appreciate it, and I will then self-actualize.  In between those times when I’m striving mightily to make some of that appear, I will continue my duties as estate manager (my own), ponder the wonders of the universe, and scribble madly.

I think our primary mission is to leave the world a better place than we found it. Let’s go see what we can do about that, and maybe everything else will fall into place.


Favorite stuff smarter people said:
— If you have any young friends who aspire to become writers, the second greatest favor you can do them is to present them with copies of “The Elements of Style.” The first greatest, of course, is to shoot them now, while they’re happy.  — Dorothy Parker

— You can never have too much red wine, too many books, or too much ammunition.  — Rudyard Kipling

— Outside of a dog, a book is man’s best friend. Inside of a dog, it’s too dark to read.  — Groucho Marx

— Never give up! Never surrender!  — Peter Quincy Taggert